ColorPicker Demonstration
ColorPicker is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to any ASP.NET TextBox
control. It provides client-side color-picking functionality with UI in a popup control.
You can interact with the color picker by clicking on a color to select the color.
Optionally, a PopupButton control and a SampleControl can be provided which allows
customizing ColorPicker's behavior.
In addition, if a custom color value is entered in a targeted TextBox then the sample control
if it's used can demonstrate a custom color even if it's not in a color picker palette.
The first example of the color picker has been initialized with this code:
<ajaxToolkit:ColorPickerExtender runat="server"
OnClientColorSelectionChanged="colorChanged" />
A colorChanged JavaScript function has been defined as following:
function colorChanged(sender) {
sender.get_element().style.color =
"#" + sender.get_selectedColor();
The color picker associated with a button has been initialized with this code. The properties
in italic are optional:
<ajaxToolkit:ColorPickerExtender runat="server"
SelectedColor="33ffcc" />
- TargetControlID - The ID of the TextBox to extend with the color picker.
- PopupButtonID - The ID of a control to show the ColorPicker popup
when clicked. If this value is not set, the color picker will pop up when the textbox
receives focus.
- SampleControlID - The ID of a control to show the ColorPicker's selected color.
If this value is set and the color picker popup is open the background color of the sample control
will sample the hovered color. If this value is not set, the selected color is not shown.
- PopupPosition - Indicates where the color picker popup should appear
at the BottomLeft(default), BottomRight, TopLeft, TopRight, Left or Right of the TextBox.
- SelectedColor - Indicates the color value the ColorPicker extender is
initialized with.
- OnClientColorSelectionChanged - A client JavaScript function that will be called
when the colorSelectionChanged event is raised.
It is not supported yet but will be available soon via the ColorPicker CssClass property.
ColorPicker has a predefined set of CSS classes that can be overridden. It has a default
style which is embedded as a WebResource and is a part of the Toolkit assembly that
has styles set for all the sub-classes. You can find them in the Toolkit solution,
in the "AjaxControlToolkit\ColorPicker\ColorPicker.css" file. If your
CssClass does not provide values for any of those then it falls back to the default
value. To customize the same the user would have to set the CssClass property to
the name of the CSS style and define the styles for the individual classes so that
the various elements in a ColorPicker control can be styled accordingly.