Ajax Control Toolkit
MaskedEdit Demonstration
Enter a Number (format: 9,999,999.99):

Tip: Type '.' to switch

Enter Time (format: 99:99:99):

Tip: Type 'A' or 'P' to switch AM/PM

Enter Date (format: 99/99/9999):

Tip: The date format is mm/dd/yyyy for this example and a Calendar is also available for date selection

Enter Date and Time (format: 99/99/9999 99:99:99)

MaskedEdit Description

MaskedEdit is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that attaches to a TextBox control to restrict the kind of text that can be entered. MaskedEdit applies a "mask" to the input that permits only certain types of characters/text to be entered. The supported data formats are: Number, Date, Time, and DateTime. MaskedEdit uses the culture settings specified in the CultureName property. If none is specified the culture setting will be the same as the page: English (United States).

MaskedEdit Properties

The number control above is initialized with this code. The italic properties are optional.

  • MaskType - Type of validation to perform:
    None - No validation
    Number - Number validation
    Date - Date validation
    Time - Time validation
    DateTime - Date and time validation
  • Mask Characters and Delimiters
    9 - Only a numeric character
    L - Only a letter
    $ - Only a letter or a space
    C - Only a custom character (case sensitive)
    A - Only a letter or a custom character
    N - Only a numeric or custom character
    ? - Any character

    / - Date separator
    : - Time separator
    . - Decimal separator
    , - Thousand separator
    \ - Escape character
    { - Initial delimiter for repetition of masks
    } - Final delimiter for repetition of masks

    9999999 - Seven numeric characters
    99\/99 - Four numeric characters separated in the middle by a "/"
  • AcceptAMPM - True to display an AM/PM symbol
  • AcceptNegative - True if the negative sign (-) is allowed
    None - Do not show the negative sign
    Left - Show the negative sign on the left of the mask
    Right - Show the negative sign on the right of the mask
  • AutoComplete - True to automatically fill in empty mask characters not specified by the user
    MaskType=Number - Empty mask characters will be filled with zeros
    MaskType=Time - Empty mask characters will be filled with the current time
    MaskType=Date - Empty mask characters will be filled with the current date
    MaskType=DateTime - Empty mask characters will be filled with the current date/time
  • AutoCompleteValue - Default character to use when AutoComplete is enabled
  • Century - Default century used when a date mask only has two digits for the year
  • ClearMaskOnLostFocus - True to remove the mask when the TextBox loses focus
  • ClearTextOnInvalid - True to clear the TextBox when invalid text is entered
  • ClipboardEnabled- True to allow copy/paste with the clipboard
  • ClipboardText - Prompt text to use when a clipboard paste is performed
  • DisplayMoney - Specifies how the currency symbol is displayed
    None - Do not show the currency symbol
    Left - Show the currency symbol on the left of the mask
    Right - Show the currency symbol on the right of the mask
  • ErrorTooltipCssClass - CSS class for the tooltip message
  • ErrorTooltipEnabled - True to show a tooltip message when the mouse hovers over an invalid TextBox
  • Filtered - Valid characters for mask type "C" (case-sensitive)
  • InputDirection - Text input direction
    LeftToRight - Left to Right
    RightToLeft - Right to left
  • MessageValidatorTip - Message displayed when editing in TextBox
  • PromptChararacter - Prompt character for unspecified mask characters
  • UserDateFormat - Custom date format
  • UserTimeFormat - Custom time format
  • OnFocusCssClass - CSS class used when the TextBox receives focus
  • OnFocusCssNegative - CSS class used when the TextBox gets focus with a negative value
  • OnBlurCssNegative - CSS class used when the TextBox loses focus with a negative value
  • OnInvalidCssClass - CSS class used when the text is not valid.
  • CultureName - Name of culture to use (overrides the default page culture)
  • CultureAMPMPlaceholder - Culture override
  • CultureCurrencySymbolPlaceholder - Culture override
  • CultureDateFormat - Culture override
  • CultureDatePlaceholder - Culture override
  • CultureDecimalPlaceholder - Culture override
  • CultureThousandsPlaceholder - Culture override
  • CultureTimePlaceholder - Culture override
MaskedEdit Validator Description
MaskedEditValidator is a custom validator which attaches to the MaskedEdit extender and its associated TextBox and verifies that the input text matches the pattern specified in the MaskedEdit extender. Once associated with a validation group, server- and client-side validation can be performed and used to display messages.
MaskedEditValidator Properties
The control above is initialized with this code. The italic properties are optional.
    EmptyValueMessage="Number is required"
    InvalidValueMessage="Number is invalid"
    MaximumValueMessage="Number > 12000"
    MinimumValueMessage="Number < -100"
    TooltipMessage="Input a number: -100 up to 12.000"/>
  • ControlToValidate - ID of the TextBox to validate
  • ControlExtender - ID of the MaskedEditExtender attached to the TextBox
  • AcceptAMPM - Whether or not AM/PM is accepted on times.
    The default value is false.
  • ClientValidationFunction - Client script used for custom validation
  • InitialValue - Initial value of the TextBox
  • IsValidEmpty - True if the TextBox can be empty
  • MaximumValue - Maximum value of the input
  • MinimumValue - Minimum value of the input
  • ValidationExpression - Regular expression used to validate the input
  • TooltipMessage - Message displayed when the TextBox has focus with an empty value
  • EmptyValueMessage - Message displayed when empty and TextBox has focus
  • EmptyValueBlurredText - Message displayed when empty and TextBox does not have focus
  • InvalidValueMessage - Message displayed when invalid and TextBox has focus
  • InvalidValueBlurredMessage - Message displayed when invalid and TextBox does not have focus
  • MaximumValueMessage - Message displayed when maximum value exceeded and TextBox has focus
  • MaximumValueBlurredMessage - Message displayed when maximum value exceeded and TextBox does not have focus
  • MinimumValueMessage - Message displayed when minimum value exceeded and TextBox has focus
  • MinimumValueBlurredText - Message displayed when minimum value exceeded and TextBox does not have focus
MaskedEdit Known Issues

Opera's keyboard handling implementation causes the "." key to map to "Del" and the "Ins" key to map to "-".

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